Based in Sydney, Australia, Foundry is a blog by Rebecca Thao. Her posts explore modern architecture through photos and quotes by influential architects, engineers, and artists.

Lookee Here, I'm Answering Some Questions

I thought it'd be fun to answer some of your questions every month about whatever's burning up your brains. Here's the first installment. Enjoy!

Val Perkins ‏@vcperks
what's your favorite moment on Alison rosens show so far?

I think that would be telling the story of getting accidentally suuuuuper high at Bumbershoot. I should really do that more often.

Carrie Wilson ‏@CarriesYellen
how much sex do married men want/need?


But really, I don't think a man’s sex drive changes because of marriage. So, ya know, whatever it was before...

David Cazares ‏@zeik2012
if you were to recommend a craft hobby to start with what would you recommend?I apologize if that made little to no sense…

Don’t apologize, David! That made perfect sense!

So, you want to know which hobby was the very first hobby to recommend...

Wait, want to know which craft hobby I’d name before naming another craft hobby...

Haha. Just kidding! I totally understood the question! First of all, I’m really good at understanding questions, but, also, yours was super clear. So, we’re all good, brother! Anyway, you wanted to know what would happen if I were to recommend a craft hobby?

No...sorry...I feel stupid. I read it again and that’s not at all what you were asking, but, because I’d already thought about it, the answer is: some people reading this might go to the craft store near them and start a new hobby, but most won’t. Hey, but that’s not what you were asking! You were asking something about turtles? I forget...

Anyway, as an aside, I was recently thinking about what might be a good craft hobby for people to start, and it’s really kind of a tough question to answer because it’s so incredibly personal. Take a trip to your local art, craft, or hobby stores and just look around. See what gets you excited! What kinds materials look fun to work with or projects look satisfying to create? You can also look around online and watch YouTube videos or go to a place like Instructables where you might get ideas. For me, I love art, problem solving, and working with my hands. Once I started thinking about sculpting, I couldn’t stop watching videos and looking at pictures and just playing around.

See if anything holds that spark for you and then just dive in and don’t worry about whether you’re good or even know what you’re doing.

Here are a few ideas off the top of my head:

  1. Pottery – there are probably classes in your area you can sign up for. This is a very satisfying thing to do. You get to work with wet clay, so it’s messy, but requires some strength, and it’s kind of meditative in that you get to transform earth into things you can paint, fire and use. It’s awesome. Check out some of these vids

  2. Sculpting is my fave and it’s easy to get started. Just go get some claysimple tools and start playing around with it. If you get Super Sculpey, then you can bake it in your own oven when your done and it’ll harden so that you can paint it.

  3. RC Airplanes are pretty awesome. Building them is fun and then you get to fly the fuckin things.

  4. Electronics – if you’re into computers or making things with circuit boards or any of that sort of thing, check out Make Magazine where they have all kinds of cool things you can do or buy to get started.

  5. Painting – this isn’t for everyone, but I think more people should paint. It’s so therapeutic and fun. You can take classes and draw naked people or go out to the country and draw rivers and mountains and trees and shit.

Also, as a side note, taking arts/crafts classes can be a great way to meet people.

Adam A ‏@HeyAdamA
who rides the 3 the dragons?  #GoT

Daenerys, Tyrion and Yara (or Theon). Bran will warg into one as well.

Jim Tomlinson ‏@jimetomlinson
Jon Snow's real mother?

That would be a spoiler, so, I'm putting the answer in this link.

Paul ‏@PaulE1138
How do you work through existential crises without spiraling into total nihilism? #QuantzQuandries

Great question. I think the answer to this is to find something you feel passionately about in your life, and then make sure you’re connecting to it EVERY SINGLE DAY. Or, if you don’t know what that is, try to become passionate about the things that are currently in your life until you do – not to be cheesy, but, Just Say Yes!

We are animals who need to feel a sense of purpose or we’re lost. I believe that horrible sense of dread strikes us when we’re not committing fully to our lives – when it feels like life is living us and we’re not living IT.

So, if you have to work some miserable job you hate and you come home and plop down in front of the TV and then go to bed, you will probably have an existential crisis at 2AM.

If, however, you say, “This shitty job doesn’t define me, but I am committing to it nonetheless,” then the struggle will get easier – you might even start enjoying it because you will no longer be pushing against it – and at the end of the day you will feel good about having done what you CHOSE to do that day. If you can’t find it in yourself to do that, then make a change and THEN commit.

In other words, chose your life or change your life, but don’t suffer in limbo.

Or there’s any point to any of this...

Sonya ‏@sunniegreen
if the government was run entirely by clones of you, what would be improved? What would go really badly?

Everything to do with the finance and the treasury would be a disaster. I don’t know shit about that stuff and my clones would probably be even dumber. I suspect my clones would have a hotter temper too, so we’d probably get into more international conflicts. I certainly wouldn’t give one of my clones the nuclear codes. They’d be better at legislation than Congress, though, and friendlier at the DMV.

Sonya ‏@sunniegreen
why are so many women wearing the wrong size bra? (More than half of US ladies)

Because you ladies don’t go in to get yourself measured or something? I don’t know. Sizes are all fucked up anyway. A length of 34” in pants can be perfect in one brand and way too long in another (I’m looking at you Bonobos!)

Sonya ‏@sunniegreen
why wouldn't Cersei try and rule thru Myrcella by marrying her to the matriarchal Dornish? she might enjoy living vicariously.

Because Elaria and the Sand Snakes had other, lame, ideas and killed her off.

Ray Morgan ‏@RayMorganIII
when you write for comic books, is it like a movie script or storyboards to guide the artist?

More like a movie script than storyboards. I will write a post to talk about this at some point because it’s interesting. In a nutshell, the script has to describe to the artist the layout of the page, detail what is in each panel, and transcribe all dialogue and captions. The complexity of this depends on the writer. Comic scripts can be extremely intricate and detailed or super basic and general.  I’ll get more into it soon.

Andrew McCormick ‏@mccandrew2002
would you mind relating a little bit of your soul searching /job searching for your next move? #insameboat

I’m at a point right now where I’ve found some consulting work that is giving me a little breathing room. What that means is that I can take some time to pursue interests that I’m not sure will yield anything yet...but I have faith. I believe in what Joseph Campbell said – that when you follow your bliss, the world will conspire to help you.

Right now I’m doing research on foreign manufacturing and importing which might help me marry all of my interests. We’ll see.

My advice is to relax your mind for a few days and see what you’re drawn to. What things do you naturally find yourself interested in? Anything! Then give yourself permission to follow that and see where it takes you. Go to the big downtown library and see what section you want to spend time in. The future is for people who blaze their own trails.

ed morris ‏@edstweetfactory
How goes the job search and with the rise of Marvel's popularity, would you back to creating graphic novels?

I absolutely plan to publish another graphic novel or two. I’ve written one already that I’m in the process of editing down and will soon be hiring an artist. I doubt I'll ever work for Marvel again. I prefer to create my own stories/characters.

Spootin Savage ‏@SpootinSavage
If you were going to cheat on Alison who would you choose, Nibbles Magee, Becky Honkington or old jew hands?


Spootin Savage ‏@SpootinSavage
If jack helped you off the horse, would you help jack off the horse?

The real question is: Has Jack Antonoff ever jacked Anton off?

Spootin Savage ‏@SpootinSavage  
If the apocalypse had begun & all u had to drink was mangria, endless rant ipa and wendy's urine, which one would you drink


Feel free to tweet me @danielquantz if you're feelin you need some answers and maybe I'll do another one of these in a couple weeks!

How to Draw: Donald Trump

An Open Letter to Big Salsa